What’s the rush, was the question asked by Premier Andrew Fahie to the Commission of Inquiry when the Auditor General brought the Stimulus Grant report to the COI, without having it first brought to Cabinet and the House of Assembly. The Premier appeared before the COI yesterday to answer questions relating to the stimulus grants […]

One of the lawyers representing the government in the ongoing Commission of Inquiry – COI, Martha Eker-Male of Withers, has assured commissioner Sir Gary Hickenbottom, that the Attorney General’s Legal team is not being discourteous to him. During Tuesday’s COI, Hickenbottom said on the 21st of September, he wrote the Attorney General, not as the […]

Consultant and businessman Claude Skelton Cline made it clear to the Commission of Inquiry on Monday, that he is not the one to be questioned on any contract he had with government. He says these questions must be put to the government. In a back and forth between the Commissioner Sir Gary Hickenbottom, Skelton Cline […]
Commissioner of Customs -Wade Smith has come out in defense of his officers when he recently told the Commissioner of the Commission of Inquiry – COI not to make allegations against his officers unless he has evidence to support his statements. Smith was being questioned about inappropriate relationships from an Internal Audit Report which made […]

Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock finds it to be interference against the Legislature where he was asked by the courts recently to prove how their lawyers are being financed. Willock and his lawyers Silk Legal brought the matter to court where it was said that the COI’s lawyers were practicing here illegally […]
Maintaining that the British always has an agenda, Former Educator Elroy Turnbull has opined that the Commission of Inquiry is what he called the UK putting BVI in its place. During the Umoja Programme on Monday, Turnbull said that the MO of the British has always been to try and shut down whatever they feel […]
Director of Public Prosecutions – Tiffany Scatliffe-Esprit says her office is not getting the necessary attention that is required including persons having a proper salary. When questioned by the Commission of Inquiry -COI, Scatliffe Esprit says the staff at the DPP has a poor salary rate and people do not appreciate the work that goes […]
Culture Minister Dr. Nathalio Wheatley feels strongly that in the midst of challenges, the territory must protect what it has and continue to develop its institutions. Her comments come against the backdrop of the COI as he addressed a virtual service on Sunday to celebrate the Emancipation Festival.