RVIPF to aid in returning territory to place of safety
Written by Fuze Social Team on July 9, 2021

With the rise of COVID-19 cases in the BVI, the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force said it will be doing its part to aid in the Territory’s return to a place of relative safety in the next coming weeks.
The RVIPF said in a press release that officers will be ensuring that persons are not contravening any of the COVID suppression measures as laid out in Public Health Order, 2021, the Curfew Order, 2021, and the COVID Control and Suppression Regulations that establish prescribe social distancing requirements. Commissioner of Police Mark Collins says the new Curfew Order, which came into force on Tuesday, July 6th, will be strictly enforced. The Order states that every person must be confined to their place of residence between the hours of 11pm and 5am.
Therefore, Commissioner Collins said that all establishments must be closed and persons off the street before10:59pm and remain so until 5:01am the following day. He said persons found in violation of the curfew order will be arrested and charged. Upon conviction, a person could be fined $1,000 or serve a prison term of three months or both.