Author: Fuze Social Team
Page: 20
The Delta Variant continues to wreak havoc around the world, and now health officials say there is now a new variant of interest. The MU variant was confirmed in the territory and according to the Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ronald Georges at the time it was not a variant of interest. However, he said […]
Secretary General of the BVI National Commission for UNESCO, Dr. Allison Flax-Archer has said that as the Territory celebrates 2021 International Literacy Day, UNESCO and National Commissions worldwide will be endorsing the right to literacy, the cultivation of literacy and digital skills by everyone for a human-centered recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Flax- Archer said, “Many […]

After being in politics for more than 20 years, Fourth District representative Mark Vanterpool believes he has made his contribution, and at the end of this term, he will be calling it quits. Speaking in the House of Assembly last week, Vanterpool said the remaining time in office will be spent on helping the people […]
Today’s FUZE Play of the Day entry comes from Meek Mill, Lil Baby and Lil Durk.

Leader of the Opposition Marlon Penn says someone is not telling the truth as to whether the government and the Cruise Industry recently signed an MOU as cruise ships prepare to return to the BVI. The question was recently put to Premier and Minister of Tourism Andrew Fahie at a Press conference, and he denied […]
Third District Representative Julian Fraser was supportive of the comments by Territorial Member Neville Smith, whom he said raised some interesting points about the lack of maintenance to sporting facilities. Fraser too is concerned about the deterioration of sporting facilities.
Premier and Minister of Finance Andrew has made it clear that although cruise ship passengers would be operating within a bubble, it does not mean closing off a particular beach to them. At a press conference last Friday the Premier announced that Cabinet agreed to remove the requirement for rapid testing for fully-vaccinated Cruise ship […]
Today’s FUZE Play of the Day entry comes from Idris Kanye West.
The U.S. Coast Guard seized $51 million of cocaine in an at-sea drug bust near the coast of Anegada, British Virgin Islands about a week ago. The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force said it joined in the multi-agency operation to seize about 1,700 kilograms of cocaine. U.S. Coast Guard, which led in the operation, said […]
At Large member and Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly Neville Smith is peeved about the lack of maintenance of sporting facilities. During a sitting of the House of Assembly last week, Smithsaid a lot of the facilities are crying out for attention and he also said there is no excuse why they are […]