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Three deaths in one week, all Covid-19 related

Written by on July 14, 2021

The Ministry of Health has confirmed another COVID-19 related death, which brings the death toll to three in a one-week period and four since the pandemic began.

The deceased is said to be a 45-year-old female with pre-existing medical conditions and who at the time of death was a patient at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital. Minister for Health and Social Development Carvin Malone has expressed condolences to the family and friends of the deceased on behalf of the Government. Minister Malone reminded residents to take personal responsibility for their lives and livelihoods and by extension their family as the Government has done all it can to prepare for this disease and the impact that it has now brought on the Territory. Meanwhile, Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ronald Georges stated that as the positive cases continue to increase, there is always a possibility of an increase in deaths.

Dr. Georges said that every death is difficult as they are a small close community, but they all must continue to do their part to stop transmission, increases in cases and deaths.