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Julian Willock

Despite protest action and calls to withdraw a motion to exempt the Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock from paying legal fees for a case he lost, Premier Andrew Fahie is said to be still determined to move forward with the motion. Willock had filed an injunction in the court to stop the […]

An online petition is in circulation for persons to sign, showing their disapproval of the motion. That initiative is being spearheaded by 22 year old Lawrence Kirton Wheatley, popularly known on social media as Bunchie from Anegada. Wheatley said they have already collected 1000 signatures. He is encouraging persons to go online and sign the […]

Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock finds it to be interference against the Legislature where he was asked by the courts recently to prove how their lawyers are being financed. Willock and his lawyers Silk Legal brought the matter to court where it was said that the COI’s lawyers were practicing here illegally […]

After not getting the necessary support from Attorney General Dawn Smith, Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock and his legal team of Silk Legal, have been forced to withdraw an injunction against 3 lawyers of the Commission of Inquiry which they claim are practicing law illegally in the BVI. Willock and his lawyers […]

Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock was forced to recess the House for a short while last Thursday to allow Premier Andrew Fahie and the Leader of the Opposition Marlon Penn to ‘calm their nerves’ after back and forth bickering between them. The problem arose when the opposition leader asked the Premier for […]

Speaker of the House of Assembly Julian Willock is said to be hospitalised at the Dr. D. Orlando Smith hospital after feeling unwell. The announcement was made by Premier Andrew Fahie during a sitting of the House of Assembly on Monday, July 20th. Reports say Speaker Willock was suffering from stomach pains and was admitted […]