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The Rotary Club of Central Tortola says it has cemented a partnership with the BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, to push young entrepreneurs. It says the MOU signed on Tuesday November 12th is to promote, provide funding, and support for these entrepreneurs. The Club’s Fundraising […]

Chairman of the BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association – Shaina Smith-Archer says the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic, has caused its revenue streams to shrink to an all-time low and the Chamber is currently in need of urgent financial support to continue its work. Smith Archer says the past eighteen months have […]

The BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association (BVICCHA) says two recent online surveys it conducted showed that 63% of members’ support vaccination; nearly 50% said they support requiring employee vaccination; over 90% of member respondents favour the use of rapid testing; and almost 20% indicated that vaccines should be required for hospitality/tourism and essential services […]

There is said to be growing anxiety in the business community, to hear from the government on a time-line for the reopening of the borders. The BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association, (BVICCHA) has been asking for a phased reopening date so they can market and prepare accordingly. They had also asked if there […]