Written by Fuze Team on July 21, 2020

The entire island of Jost Van Dyke has been placed on mandatory quarantine until July 28th.
Cabinet held a special meeting last night and this new order for Jost Van Dyke was signed by the Minister for Health and Social Development Carvin Malone.
In this new order under the Public Health Act, it says that the Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 13 of the Public Health Act CAP 194 makes this Order:
The order is cited as the Public Health (Covid-19 Control and Suppression Measures-Jost Van Dyke) Order, 2020.
It comes into force today July 21st and it is for the purposes of guarding against, preventing or mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and the probable consequences associated with the detection of COVID-19 in a person residing or visiting Jost Van Dyke, the Minister on the recommendation of the Health Emergency Operation Centre directs that the measures as specified in the Schedule to this Order be implemented.
The order also says that all persons visiting or residing on the island of Jost Van Dyke will be quarantined for a period of seven days for 24 hours a day from Tuesday 21st of July 2020 at 1:00AM until 5:01 a.m. on the 28th of July, 2020 subject to such conditions as stipulated in the Health Emergency Operation Centre Guidelines.
According to the order no person shall be on the streets, and every person shall remain confined to their place of residence (inclusive of their yard space) for the period specified in that subsection, also no person or vessel shall travel to or from Jost Van Dyke, except with the permission of the Minister for Health and Social Development in consultation with the Joint Task Force comprising of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, Customs and the Immigration Department.
It is said to be part of measures for guarding against, preventing or mitigating COVID-19.
Any person who is residing or has visited Jost Van Dyke will be subject to robust contact tracing and also COVID-19 community testing by the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the BVI Health Services Authority.