Written by Fuze Social Team on December 6, 2021

Premier and Minister of Finance, Andrew Fahie has stated that two-hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) is allocated for Tourism Infrastructure Development as he emphasized the Government’s commitment to developing the Territory’s tourism product in the 2022 Budget Address.
The Premier said several projects will be undertaken including the construction of bathroom facilities at Brewer’s Bay as well as a number of upgrades to the Virgin Gorda Taddy Bay Airport to include a new welcome centre, the expansion of the runway, repairs to the rescue boat, an emergency drill, and updating briefing packs for flight crews.
Premier Fahie also affirmed that the TB Lettsome International Airport will also benefit from a runway expansion, adding that funding is already appropriated in this year’s and next year’s budgets.
The Premier said that in spite of setbacks incurred during these challenges times, the BVI Tourist Board, BVI Ports Authority, BVI Airport Authority, along with public and private institutions, have been working collectively to attract visitors whilst simultaneously ensuring that the Territory is both a competitive and sustainable destination. Premier Fahie said where tourism is one of the Virgin Islands’ two major economic drivers, any progress they can realise at this time…will be of benefit to the economy, taxi operators, restaurants, tour operators, domestic ferries, land and sea-based entrepreneurs, museums, national parks, sailing companies, and all the entrepreneurs and businesses that service their visitors.”