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Consumer Protection Bill Passed in the House of Assembly

Written by on June 11, 2020

The 30 Year Old Consumer Protection Bill, has been passed in the House of Assembly.

The bill is aimed at protecting the consumer interests, in relation to the supply of goods, the provision of services, and the health and safety of consumers.

We can now put the people’s interest in front and bring forward the bill and that’s why the Leader of the Opposition could have got up so briskly and second it because he knew that finally now his labour would not go in vain. I also want to thank all the other Junior Ministers who worked on it.

Hon. Andrew Fahie, Premier and Minister of Finance

Premier Andrew Fahie said that the public meetings held on the bill were tough but they were able to present a bill that is balanced where both the businesses and consumers will be protected.

He explained that the bill will also address price gouging and hoarding. 

Eighth Sitting of the Second session of the Fourth House Of Assembly

We put in an appendix in this Consumer Protection (Bill) that allows during times of disasters, during times of pandemic, like COVID-19, unforeseen times, that when people are most vulnerable some business owners take advantage of that time and take advantage of persons and just carry up their prices without justification or solid foundation,

Hon. Andrew Fahie, Premier and Minister of Finance

Premier Fahie said that for more than 30 years the people have been clamoring for legislation to protect them from unfair and unscrupulous practices.