Written by Fuze Social Team on October 6, 2021

Chairman of the BVI Chamber of Commerce and Hotel Association – Shaina Smith-Archer says the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic, has caused its revenue streams to shrink to an all-time low and the Chamber is currently in need of urgent financial support to continue its work.
Smith Archer says the past eighteen months have been a chaotic time for Virgin Islands business owners to keep their doors open and the chamber salutes all business owners for the persistence they have shown in safeguarding lives AND livelihoods during this global health crisis.
The BVICCHA chairman says they especially appreciate the membership for their continued support of the crucial work they do on behalf of the business community and despite a slow economic recovery during 2021, they are still hopeful of ending the year strong as they look forward to the start of the next tourism season.
The BVICCHA in a strong plea called on current and former members to make donations and pledges of any amount to the organisation that will help it to continue its work during this crucial time.