Written by Fuze Team on July 27, 2020
An earthquake measuring 4.03 was felt in the Virgin Islands on Sunday, July 26th.
The Department of Disaster Management made a statement that about 6:39AM, the Puerto Rico Seismic Network, recorded an earthquake measuring a magnitude of 4.03.
The epicentre was located at latitude 18.70 north, 64.59 West or 31.86 Km North Road Town, Tortola, BVI at a depth of 30 Km.
No Watches, Advisories or Warnings were issued for this event.
Meanwhile Governor Augustus Jaspert in a statement said that the strongest shaking was felt by persons on Virgin Gorda.

Governor Jaspert said that Sunday morning’s earthquake serves as a reminder that they are living in a region that is prone to seismic activity such as earthquakes.
He said he is reminding all in the community that the safest thing to do during an earthquake is to drop, cover and hold on until the shaking stops.
The Governor said he understands that in the moment it may difficult to remain calm, which is why it is important that they all practice dropping low to the ground and away from windows and exterior walls, covering under a sturdy surface if possible, and holding onto their shelter until the shaking stops at each and every earthquake.
Governor Jaspert said if evacuation is necessary, such as in the case of a tsunami advisory, persons should move to their designated safe zone only after the shaking stops.